Thursday, May 27, 2010

Zach & Gracie

Zach is our grandson, he's seven years old. He's delightful, informative and busy. This past month he broke his forearm - both bones and is now sporting a cast and a rod in his arm for support. It's a waterproof cast and so now he can go swimming too and not miss out on the summer activities. Mom & Dad recently bought a pool for the backyard and they're anxious for the weather for brighten up so the kids can go in.

Zach is a Cub Scout and hopes to camp out one weekend soon with his Dad. He loves legos and is always working on a project. He's good a card and magic tricks and loves to show his latest to anyone who will watch.

Gracie is our granddaughter, she's five years old. She's motivated, helpful and inquisitive. She wants to be just like Mommy. She loves to cook, she's great at helping clean up in the kitchen (when it's her idea) and she loves us to pieces. She likes to play beauty parlor, likes to wear make-up and paint her nails. She can be quite the charmer and usually gets what she wants, as long as she promises to clean up. Her grandpa even lets her "wash and style" his hair!

They are delightful. Last weekend we went to Big Eagle Lake and they fished from their boat and we fished from ours. When they were frustrated that the fish weren't biting, they'd play with toys they brought along. Zach brought his motorized speed boat and Gracie brought her Jasmine doll. So when Zach launched his boat, he discovered the batteries were dead...and Gracie decided that Jasmine was probably not her favorite, maybe it was Barbie.

But when I caught the 22 inch Northern, they got their poles in the water and were fishing once again and hoping for a bite! So sweet, wish the age could last longer. There were no more bites on the lines so we started back to shore and home. We'd gotten some good pictures lots of nature shots out there....Canadian Geese families and fish jumping. There were low fluffy clouds and sprinkles of rain here and here, but mostly overcast.

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