Saturday, September 4, 2010

Changes, always changes

I had finally reached an impasse at work. I couldn't go on doing my job without some organization of my cube. It's time to prepare for my third annual audit and I couldn't find certain notes since I had two years worth of paperwork stacked in shelves and drawers and I simply couldn't find things any longer. It is Labor Day weekend so I'll have that extra day to do this just for me. So I packed up a full file box of loose papers, notes and file folders and carted it all home....pretty heavy box I admit.

When I got home, John carried it in for me and put it in the kitchen on Zach's chair. I knew I'd be able to get it done in just half a day, since I'm undisturbed at home. We had movie night that Friday and watched Cop Out with Bruce Willis and Clash of the Titans with Liam Neeson. I picked Titans because I enjoy mythology Greek and Roman and John really didn't have a preference. Mike joined us for Cop Out - it was a little crass but very funny. We all enjoy Bruce's movies.

Saturday morning and naturally I'm awake at 4am, but refuse to get up. That's weekday rise and shine time, not to be pursued on the weekends. By 6am I've dosed a few times and now I'm really awake. I got up and quietly left our bedroom closing the irritating squeaky door as quickly and quietly as possible. I read for a little bit in the living room, enjoying the quiet of the still early morning. There was quite a chill in the early morning air, fall isn't too far off. I got washed and dressed and headed to the Red Box at the Holiday Station to return the movies and get a hot, fresh coffee. When I'd gotten home, John was awake sitting in the kitchen and staring at the wall. I re-woke him with a kiss and a blueberry old fashioned donut from my trip up town. I'd eaten mine on the way home, and the first coffee of the morning was aromatic, tasty and hot.

We talked about the plans we didn't have for the weekend and what the heck we were going to do with these three days. It's not like it's a surprise, but the holidays always seem to sneak up on us and we haven't made any plans. Life can be so overwhelming sometimes, that we don't take the time we should to look ahead and plan it! Anyway, it was near 8am now and Mike wasn't up yet, but I'd promised him pancakes this morning for breakfast, so I got those started. This morning I felt like making smaller pancakes - about 3 inches in diameter. They were so cute! Anyway I made a batch and a few eggs with ham for John while he got the toast made. Lovely quiet breakfast.

Around 9am, we called Zach and Grace to find out what they were up to. Zach was so excited he had to tell us that Gracie had found her long lost video game player. Last time she had it was at Easter dinner at Calista and Al's in North Branch. No loose teeth to report, but he did ask why we called. He is so cute. Then Grace wanted to talk, and told us that she was making soup all by herself. No one was helping and the ingredients included green beans, water and corn. I told her it sounded like very good vegetable soup. She said yes, but she was to young to put in the salt and pepper herself so it might taste a little different. I told her that we can't have much salt anyway and we could bring our own pepper and she just laughed. I asked her where her daddy was and she said she'd go find him in the garage. I asked her to have him call his mommy when she found him, she giggled and said she would, bye she said and disconnected.

Mike was up now, coughing and clearing his throat. He sauntered across the kitchen floor and asked why I made the pancakes so small. I think they're cute I told him, don't worry they still taste the same! He made a pot of fresh coffee and shared with me. Then he finished the pancakes and headed out to work on his truck in Rogers for the day.

John went to the back garage to work on the lawn mower and I started organizing my paperwork. By 1:30pm, I was almost done but noticed that I was feeling a little queasy, something wasn't quite right. I got up and went to stretch out on the couch, I was listening to my talk radio station 107.1 and felt like I should get up and eat something. I felt nauseous and light headed and my stomach felt like it was floating. It was the oddest feeling. I thought I'd better take my blood sugars quick - I did and it read 78! I was shocked - I'd never tested that low before! Good grief it's not like I was busy working out or something!!

I went back to the kitchen and quickly ate an orange, but when I retested it read 77. Worried about passing out, I remembered John's candy drawer in his dresser. I headed down the hall to our bedroom and checked the drawer, but it was empty! Back down the hall to the kitchen, grabbed his wallet off the island and headed to the back garage. (I knew I shouldn't drive.) I handed him his wallet and said, "will you take me up town for a candy bar?" The poor man looked at me like I'd lost my marbles...."what??" he asked. I explained and he jumped up and we headed for the car. Once up town, we hit every red light and traffic jam imaginable but finally made it to the Holiday Station. There was literally no where to park, so he parked in the yellow zone and ran in. Shortly he appeared with a couple of Snickers bars. Half a bar was enough and I was feeling better as we made our way home. When I checked my readings again, I was at 140 now, but I felt sure it would be back down to 100 0r 110 again. Life, you just never know what to expect!

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