Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lunch from Jimmy John's

OK - so today was a little better. The boss only bought lunch for us from Jimmy Johns: sandwiches and chips. The sandwiches were small - I only had one - with my own drink and only tried one (1) single chip, a Vinegar & Sea Salt chip...yum! It was hard but staying involved in conversation helped....can't eat and talk at the same time. Our group was in a festive mood and we all seemed to enjoy ourselves telling stories about each other and our groups beginning and the company's move from Princeton. We were able to get back to work and finish up a few things before the boss sent us home early for the holiday weekend. Three of us went out afterward for drinks before heading home. I stuck with diet Coke. The fog and cold weather should start to worsen - we just didn't know when.

Speaking of which it was raining all day today with temps up to 42 degrees and it's predicted to drop down to -30 degrees by tomorrow night, quite a drop. So much rain on top of so much snow and refreezing spells disaster on the streets. It'll be a weekend at home. I'll have to get busy with projects and stay out of the kitchen. Wish me luck - Tuesday's weigh-in time!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snacks-goodies and other landmines

The boss brought in homemade goodies for the second day this week: sweet dough holiday bread (with nuts), mini-muffin pecan pies and many more assorted cookies. All were arranged on a this beautiful huge cut-glass 16" round platter and located next to the licorice which is also between the fax and the closest printer, in the center of the office.


It was so hard today, I had a couple of licorice, then one small cookie, later a 1/2 slice of bread - finally I had to stop myself - ENOUGH ALREADY.

I had hit the gym early this morning before work, so I know that helps, but I literally RAN back to my desk and drank 16 oz of water...more like guzzled it - that felt better. I've really got to get a grip on this. She won't change and I had better get use to passing up the goodies. But for some reason last week was easier this this week. Maybe I'm getting wore down with all the holiday parties and treats.

Anyway, tomorrow's another day, it'll be better!

Hope the weather cooperates, they're predicting rain and icy roads starting just in time for the morning rush hour - YIKES.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

All of me...

In mid-September 2010, I felt I had to start spending time on me. My weight was out of hand and I was beginning to really believe and accept that I had food addictions. My body was sending out messages that I couldn't ignore. So, I researched weight loss centers and visited even more websites. I needed one that would be healthy, but could also produce immediate results - I needed to be held accountable - but needed counseling with the program and I wanted it one-on-one - not in a group. If I was going to stay with it, it had to be quick and easy and it had to have a maintenance program that would help me adjust during and after the weight loss too. Memberships were expensive but so are medications and threats to my well-being and health. God help me, I was overwhelmed with information! I had been down this road SO many times in my life that my mantra is from a Japanese proverb that says something like "fall down seven times, get up eight". That's how it all started.

Today, I weighed in 30 pounds lighter than I did in mid-Sept. It's hard, it's gratifying, it's exciting, it's tiring, frustrating, scary - at times even depressing. I need to make a conscious effort to look only at today, this hour. If I don't, I am easily overwhelmed at the thought of losing 100 pounds.

I rewarded myself for my first 25 lb loss with a set of artificial nails. They are beautiful and very practical this time of year - they protect my finger tips and keep my skin softer, and my thumbs don't crack and bleed. I am enjoying them and they constantly remind me that I can do this.

I have very supportive family too. Two sons, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, five sisters, parents, sister-in-laws, co-workers and my Medifast counselors - but most of all - my beloved husband. He puts up with so much, gives so much and asks so little. I am truly blessed. Thank you God for my blessings.

Today was a little tough, red licorice sitting out at work, next to chocolate and cookies. Free for the picking up and our enjoyment. Well, I gave in to a couple of the licorice pieces. Finally I had to ask myself, what am I getting out of this? Picture this plastered to my backside...I'm getting a chance of gaining more weight and it's so hard to take off. I'm backsliding. I quit the snacking. Wrong snack, so I grabbed a glass of water instead and went for a walk.

And so it day at a time, one hour at a time...slip slide and get back up.