Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snacks-goodies and other landmines

The boss brought in homemade goodies for the second day this week: sweet dough holiday bread (with nuts), mini-muffin pecan pies and many more assorted cookies. All were arranged on a this beautiful huge cut-glass 16" round platter and located next to the licorice which is also between the fax and the closest printer, in the center of the office.


It was so hard today, I had a couple of licorice, then one small cookie, later a 1/2 slice of bread - finally I had to stop myself - ENOUGH ALREADY.

I had hit the gym early this morning before work, so I know that helps, but I literally RAN back to my desk and drank 16 oz of water...more like guzzled it - that felt better. I've really got to get a grip on this. She won't change and I had better get use to passing up the goodies. But for some reason last week was easier this this week. Maybe I'm getting wore down with all the holiday parties and treats.

Anyway, tomorrow's another day, it'll be better!

Hope the weather cooperates, they're predicting rain and icy roads starting just in time for the morning rush hour - YIKES.

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